What's That Mean??
Scouting has it's own language - here are some terms and abbreviations you'll encounter.
ASM - Assistant Scoutmaster (Recruited by the SM and approved by the TC and COR, the ASMs act as mentors to the GB members, plan and execute outings, and report to the SM)
ASM - Assistant Scoutmaster (Recruited by the SM and approved by the TC and COR, the ASMs act as mentors to the GB members, plan and execute outings, and report to the SM)
COR - Chartered Organization Representative
DC - Den Chief
GB - Greenbar (So named because of the green bars that appear on some of the troop level leadership position patches worn. In our troop, we include all scouts who have leadership positions, not just the SPL, ASPL, PL and TG's)
Historian (Generates material for newsletter, social media posts, and/or slideshows for monthly parent meetings.)
MBC - Merit Badge Counselor - (The teacher or guide for a merit badge)
PL - Patrol Leader (In a troop, the scouts are organized in smaller groups called patrols. The PL is responsible for teaching patrol members new skills and leading them during troop meetings, outings, service projects etc. The PL also plans and leads his own patrol meetings, outing, and service projects.)
PLC - Patrol Leaders Council (Used by Scouts BSA, it only includes SPL, ASPL, PL, and TG's only. We do not usually limit the decision making to the strict definition of PLC)
QM - Quartermaster (In a patrol, the QM role is rotated among patrol members; scouts take turns being in charge of the menu and shopping for a particular outing. Among the adult leaders, the QM for an outing is much the same as it is for youth. The adult QM for the troop is responsible for the troop gear.
Scribe (the recordkeeper of the troop, tracking attendance and collecting reports from GB members)
SM - Scoutmaster - (Recruited by the TC, the adult leader of the troop and responsible for the scout program. The SM inspires and guides the GB and ASMs to plan and execute meaningful meetings and outings. The SM reports to the TC)
Smurf (A term of affection used by Troop 50 for it's first year scouts.)
SPL - Senior Patrol Leader (The youth leader of the troop, elected by troop members or a volunteer if running unopposed. The SPL runs the GB and guides troop events along with the SSIC and ASPLs.
SSIC - Senior Scout In Charge (The SSIC is usually a scout from the "Seniors" patrol and leads individual or monthly troop meetings and is guided by as ASM Advisor for that month's theme.)
TG - Troop Guide (If a scout has been a successful PL, he he may be qualified to serve as a TG. The TGs in a troop know their scout skills well and are the mentors to PLs. If a PL needs help, the TG is there to assist.)
TC - Troop Committee - The parent group has its leaders too. The TC consists of the TC Chair (TCC), the Advancement Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Activities Secretary.
SMC - Scoutmaster Conference
BOR - Board of Review
COH - Court of Honor
MB - Merit Badge
OA - Order of the Arrow The honor society of Scouts BSA. OA Members are first elected by their fellow scouts, participate in an "ordeal" (an outing where service is performed) and then inducted into an OA Lodge.
LNT - Leave No Trace (a set of seven principles that guide our behavior in the outdoors.
FOS - Friends of Scouting (An annual fundraising drive to support Scouts BSA.)
NYLT - National Youth Leadership Training (A training course that all GB members should attend)
Scout (Rank) - the first rank earned by a scout
Tenderfoot - the second rank earned by a scout
Recharter - the process of renewing our troop with Scouts BSA. Each scout pays an annual recharter fee. In 2022, this was $90 without a Scout Life magazine subscription and $102 with Scout Life
Scoutbook - The Scouts BSA website used for tracking troop membership, advancement, events, and for sending messages to leaders, parents, and scouts. An email sent to a scout is also automatically sent to the scout's parents.
YPT - Youth Protection Training