Scouts BSA Health Forms
Health Form ABC - All scouts and adults attending any event lasting >72 hrs or any event where the participant will be >30 minutes away from EMS services. (Include a photocopy of the front and back of your medical insurance card.) For scouts and adult leaders, the 30-minute rule applies quite often. Therefore ALL Troop 50 members, scouts, and adults must use this form.
Other Scouts BSA Forms can be found here.
Who needs to fill out these forms?
Health Forms Parts A, B, and C are required for ALL scouts and adult leaders in Troop 50.
Health Forms Part A and B are used for TEMPORARY participation. For example, a Webelo scout attends a campout with our troop or a parent chaperones a troop or patrol event (one-time occurrence).
Note: Part B (in the fine print) says to include a photocopy of the front and back of your medical insurance card. This is best accomplished by copying the front of your son's card and the back of another card at the same time. If your health care provider gives you a separate printout of vaccinations, TRANSFER the dates from the printout to Part B of the health form. DO NOT attach the printout from your doctor.
How many copies?
For Scouts, make FOUR DOUBLE-SIDED copies.
YOU keep the original! Adult Leaders only need to make three copies.
1) Give one copy to your son in a Ziploc bag. He should carry this with him at ALL troop and patrol events.
2) Give three copies to the Troop Committee.
a) One will be given to the Scoutmaster
b) One will be given to your son's Patrol Advisor
c) One will be kept by a Troop Committee member.
Troop 50 Activity Consent Form (Generic)
Generic Activity Consent Form (Parent/Guardian Authorization for Trip/Activity and Medical Treatment Form) - Use this form for all troop and patrol events.
For patrol meetings outside of the church: Ensure that the patrol advisor (or parent of the patrol leader) retains a copy.
Click Here for a PDF Version and here to here make an editable copy for yourself. (You will be prompted to log on to your Google Account)

Golden Empire Council Shooting Sports Form
Shooting Sports Form
Use this form when participating in any Scouts BSA approved shooting activity - Archery, BB Device, Rifle, or Shotgun,

Troop 50 Expense/Reimbursement Request Form
Expense/Reimbursement Form - Use this editable spreadsheet to either report expenses or request reimbursement for expenses. (Clicking either of the two above links gets you your own editable copy) Clicking on the picture below only gets you a PDF copy that you can print and handwrite in your info.
The troop will reimburse the Patrol Leader for campsite reservations for patrol outings and for food expenses incurred when hosting one or more Webelos Scouts at a campout.
Troop 50 Service Hours Approval Form
Service Hours Approval - Scouts are HELPFUL! We believe the reward of service is the service itself. Scouts should strive to live by the Scout Slogan, "Do a Good Turn Daily."
However, there are rank requirements where service hours need to be documented. If you are planning to perform service hours that you want to count towards rank advancement, use this form.
Be sure to get Scoutmaster approval PRIOR to doing the service if you want it to count for rank advancement.
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