Merit Badges
Eagle Required Merit Badges
Click on a BADGE to get a worksheet for these Merit Badges. Click on the NAME of the merit badge to see the badge requirements
(Added 11/1/21, required since 7/1/22)
Merit Badges Offered by Scouts BSA
(click the links below to read the official requirements for each merit badge)
Business and Industry
Professions and Trades
Public Service
Arts and Crafts
Natural Science
Physical Science
Personal Development
US Scouting Service Project Worksheets
Here, you will find helpful worksheets for all of the merit badges Scouts BSA offers. These can be used to organize your merit badge work. Keep in mind that the OFFICIAL Scouts BSA requirements are in the links above and that if requirements change, the worksheets are not guaranteed to reflect all the changes. ALWAYS refer to the links above for the official Scouts BSA requirements!