Parent Participation


Parent participation is crucial to Troop 50's success and it is expected that every parent be active in the troop.  Although all parents are expected to serve on one of several parent committees, here is how you can help the scout program grow even stronger.

Other Expectations

Our charter organization, the Buddhist Church of Sacramento, is extremely supportive of our troop.  In addition to the use of the facilities, the congregation supports the troop's fundraising efforts at a very high level.  

The parents in our troop are active volunteers in the Annual Church Bazaar in August and we provide some of the people power for Obon Setup in June or July (the scouts help prepare beautiful lanterns for hanging and the parents assist with the large shade that covers the parking lot) and for the August Bazaar (Scouts pull out from storage the booth construction materials). All scouts and parents help during the bazaar weekend as part of their obligation as Troop 50 members.