Troop Organization
Troop Organization and Leadership
Troop 50 is scout-led/scout-run/adult guided troop. Leadership is one of the methods of Scouting. Every scout who regularly and actively participates in the troop will have an opportunity to participate in both shared and individual leadership. The meetings are planned and carried out by the Patrol Leaders’ Council (referred to by Troop 50 as “Green Bar”). Scouts in their first through fourth years are assigned to a mixed age group called a patrol. All duties for patrol activities are assigned by the patrol leader. Understanding the concepts of leadership helps scouts accept the leadership of others and helps them to grow into a more responsible adult. The following is an outline of the duties of the key leaders within the troop:
Troop 50 Organization Chart
The chart below gives a general idea of how our troop is organized. The Assistant Scoutmasters act as advisors to all Greenbar positions except Senior Greenbar (SPL and ASPLs), which is advised by the Scoutmaster. The ASPLs and Troop Guides (TGs) are each assigned one or more Patrol Leaders (PLs) and act as youth leader mentors.
The youth leadership positions and patrol sizes can change from year to year depending on the size of the troop, available qualified youth to serve as leaders, etc. The typical leadership positions we utilize are SPL, ASPL, PL, TG, Historian, and sometimes Scribe. To give younger youth leaders a taste of what it's like to be a member of Greenbar, we often invite scouts serving as Den Chiefs to sit in on Greenbar meetings and to report on their activities as Den Chiefs.